Istanbul,Turkey, May 26-28,2022

Scientific Programme

10.00 -10.30 Welcome Remarks:
S.Erdine(Turkey), C.Erdöl(Turkey), R.Kreutz(Germany), E.Lurbe(Spain), G.Mancia(Italy)
10.30- 12.00 Session 1
Chairpersons: Y.Karakoc (Turkey),E.Lurbe (Spain),G.Mancia (Italy)
10.30-10.50 Pediatric primary hypertension:Gaps in knowledge and needed research
E.Lurbe (Spain)
10.50-11.10 ABPM in Pediatric Hypertension -Circadian BP Rhythm
E.Wühl ( Germany)
11.10-11.30 Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in adolescence and young adulthood: The association With Obesity and Hypertensive Blood Pressure.
Julia Büschges ( Germany)
11.30-11.50 Precision Medicine
A Dominiczak (UK)
11.50-12.00 General Discussion
14.00-15.30 Session 2
Chairperson: S.Erdine (Turkey)
14.00-14.20 Current evidence for safety and efficacy of renal denervation
V. Aytekin (Turkey)
14.20-14.40 A glimpse into the ESH position paper on renal denervation
K. Tsioufis (Greece)
14.40 -15.00 Current technology and technical tips for a successful RDN procedure
A.B. Çatakoğlu (Turkey)
15.00-15.20 Renal denervation cost-effectiveness analysis
G. Koçkaya (Turkey)
15.20-15.40 Panel discussion and take home messages
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-17.30 Session 3
Round table:
Chairpersons: S. Erdine (Turkey) , D. Drozdz (Poland)
16:30-16:40 What is HyperChildNET?: On-going actions to face the challenges
E.Lurbe (Spain)
16:40-16:50 HyperChildNET tools for improving the diagnosis and control of HTN
E.Wühl ( Germany)
16:50-17:00 Personal experience in HyperChildNET Virtual Mobilities and STSM
K. Azukaitis (Lithuania), J. Álvarez (Spain)
17:00-17:10 Scientific outputs in HyperChildNET
F.Fernandez Aranda (Spain)
17:10-17:20 Dissemination. Website. European HyperChildNET week 2022. European Academy of Pediatrics statement.
A. Mazur (Poland)
17:20-17:30 General Discussion
18.00-19.00 Welcome Ceremony
9.30-10.45 Session 4
Chairpersons: E.Wühl(Germany), K. Azukaitis (Lithuania)
9.30-9.40 BP Measurement in Children and Adolescents
S.Stabouli (Greece)
9.40-9.50 Salt, children and blood pressure
G. Simonetti (Switzerland)
9.50-10.00 Effect of rational use of medicine
A. Jankauskiene (Lithuania)
10.00-10.10 Primary hypertension is immunometabolic disease
M. Litwin (Poland)
10.10-10.30 What can we learn about cardiovascular health from longitudinal surveys on health in children and adolescents? The KIGGS Experience.
H. Neuhauser (Germany)
10.30-10.40 General Discussion
10.40 -11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 Session 5
Chairpersons: S. Stabouli(Greece),A. Jankauskiene.
11.00-11.15 Eating disorders and Obesity: Shared and differential factors.
F. Fernandez-Aranda(Spain)
11.15-11.30 Hypertension and Cardiometabolic Syndrome.
M. Sinha (UnitedKingdom)
11.30-11.45 ObesityandCardio-metabolic Risk Factors:From Childhood to Adulthood.
D. Drozdz (Poland)
11.45-12.00 Gaming and online gambling in adolescents: A risk combination?
S. Jimenez(Spain)
12.00-12.15 Obesity and Hypertension: The role of selected brain signaling pathways.
A. Mazur(Poland)
12.15-12.30 Cardiometabolic Syndrome From Microcirculation to Macrocirculation.
S. Sokolovic(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
12.30-12.45 Discussion
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Session 6
(Simultaneously, a parallel session will be held for a Management Committee meeting among the MC members of HyperChildNET)
Chairpersons: B.Gorenek(Turkey),D.Lovic (Serbia)
14.00-14.30 Dyslipidemia Guidelines-Update
M.Kayıkçıoglu (Turkey)
14.30-15.00 Cardiovascular Risk Assessment:Impact of Psychosocial Factors
T.Şahin (Turkey)
15.00-15.30 Lifestyle therapy in Hypertension :SCHEHERAZADE Study
E.Cinteza(Romania), M.Dorobantu(Romania)
15.30-16.00 Arterial Stiffness
16.00-16.30 Current and novel antihypertensive medications for resistant hypertension
16.30-17.00 Coffee Break
17.00-18.30 Session 7
Chairpersons: Julio Álvarez (Spain), C. Soydaş(Turkey)
17.00-17.30 COVID-19 in Children
17.30-18.00 Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiovascular System
18.00-18.30 Impact of the Post-COVID in Health
9.00-10.30 Session 8
Chairpersons: H.Tezcan (Turkey), Ö. F. Beşer (Turkey)
9.00-9.30 Sympathetic Activation and End Organ Damage in Hypertension
G. Grassi (Italy)
9.30-10.00 Cardiorenal Syndrome.
T. Ecder (Turkey)
10.00-10.30 The challenge of blood pressure goals in diabetes
J.Redon (Spain)
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 Session 9
Chairperson: S.Aytekin(Turkey), Sabahat Ecder(Turkey)
11.00-11.30 Protection by antihypertensive treatment
G. Mancia (Italy)
11.30-12.00 Beta blockers in Uncomplicated Hypertension
D.Lovic (Serbia)
12.00-12.30 Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation-Update
B.Görenek (Turkey)
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Session 10
Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology –Turkish Society of Hypertension and Atherosclerosis Joint Session
Chairpersons: T. Ecder(Turkey), S. Erdine (Turkey), U. Rahimov (Azerbaijan)
14.00-14.20 Treatment of hypertension in CKD: which combination is the best?
Nabil Seyidov
14.20-14.40 Should we use ACE inhibitors in stage 5 CKD?
Rahima Gabulova
14.40-15.00 Important features of treatment in hemodialysis patients
Ulvi Mirzoyev
15.00-15.20 Treatment of patients following kidney transplantation
Fuad Samedov
15.20-15.30 Discussion
15.30-15.50 Coffee Break
15.50-18.00 Session 11
Chairpersons: J. Redon (Spain), C. Borghi (Italy)
15.50-16.10 Cuffless Blood Pressure Measuring Devices: new developments
M. Burnier(Switzerland)
16.10-16.40 Uric Acid and risk of CVD: recent evidence and implications
C. Borghi (Italy)
16.40-17.00 Meta-analyses in hypertension research
M. Brunstrom (Sweden)
17.00-17.20 Novel approaches in hypertension management : E-Health Solutions and Artificial Intelligence
S.Erdine (Turkey)
17.20-17.40 Discussion
17.40-18.00 Closing Remarks
E. Lurbe (Spain), S. Erdine (Turkey), G. Mancia (Italy)